Supervisor of the carbonate geochemistry group (TCG) at State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology
Zhongya Hu (Associate Researcher)
expert in Mg isotope systematics with profound lab skills and fieldwork expertise in SW China.
conducted a 3 year postdoc in my workgroup and was promoted in 2023 to associate researcher at Tongji, Congrats Zhongya!
Yuxiang Jiang (PhD student)
works on trace element mapping of carbonate rocks and in situ U-Pb dating in microbialites.
Usman Abubakar (PhD student, China Marien Scholarship)
works on trace elements and Cd isotopes in paleo marine mixed (clastic and carbonate) sediments spanning the major C perturbations during the Pleistocene and the Cretaceous OAE2 event.
Heping Ni (MSc)
worked on trace element and Cd isotope systematics in a drill core from the South China sea spanning 14 marine isotope stages Graduated with honours in 2022.
Congratulations Heping and all the best to you on your way!
Co-supervisior of students from the State Key Laboratory of Minerals Deposits Research (NJU)
Yibo Lin (PhD)
Nanjing University PhD student, calibrated his own Ba Ds and is firm in Sr, Ba isotope and trace element analysis in a variety of lithologies. Fieldwork expertise in SW China.